
Italijansko podjetje Teda izdeluje hidravlične zapogibnike manjših dolžin. Ustanovljeno je bilo leta 1989 in je od samega začetka usmerjeno v inovacije na tem področju, kar dokazuje s številnimi patenti na evropski ravni.

Njihovi stroji so enostavni za uporabo in namenjeni krivljenju obdelovancev manjših dolžin. Zahvaljujoč obliki pehala je na njih možno kriviti U profile brez omejitev v globini.
The Teda company was founded in 1989 and since then the word Innovation summarizes the purpose and objective of the company as evidenced by the various patents obtained at European level.
Teda has always worked in a strict Quality regime and in compliance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42 / EC.

The long experience gained by the partners in the field of sheet metal working machines (in particular press brakes and guillotine shears) has made it possible to create new concept products capable of bringing practicality, safety and economy to the machines, whether they are new or already in operation.
The design skills within the company allow us to offer customers total assistance in the various problems that characterize the analysis of every single need, in this way the extensive production from the catalog is accompanied by realizations that meet the most personalized requests.

We invite you to visit our website, where you will find the description of our products.
What is not described is our availability and experience in applications, which you can rely on at any time.

Spletna stran proizvajalca: https://www.teda.it/.

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