Podjetje Tecnocut je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1992. Specializirani so za izdelavo sistemov za razrez z vodnim curkom. Leta 2005 je podjetje postalo del skupine CMS Industries, ki je vodilno in svetovno uveljavljeno podjetje v izdelavi CNC strojev za obdelavo lesa, naprednih materialov, marmorja in stekla, svoje proizvode pa danes ponujajo v več kot 120 državah sveta.
Tecnocut je eno od 3 podjetij na svetu, ki načrtuje in proizvaja kompleten sistem za razrez z vodnim curkom. V ponudbi tako najdemo tako tlačne črpalke, stroje za razrez z 3. ali 5. osmi, kot tudi programsko opremo, ki omogoča popolni nadzor rezalnega sistema.
A worldwide leading company specialized in the production of numerically controlled multi-axis machining centers, thermoforming machines and waterjet cutting systems.
CMS SpA manufactures machinery and systems for the machining of composite materials, carbon fiber, aluminum, light alloys, plastic, glass, stone, and metals. It was established in 1969 by Mr. Pietro Aceti with a vision for customized, state-of-the-art solutions, based on an in-depth understanding of the customer’s production needs. Significant technological innovations, originating from substantial investments in research and development, and take-overs of premium companies, have enabled constant growth in various industries.
CMS represents excellence in many industries, such as: aerospace, automotive & F1, marine industry, production of wind turbines, engineering, eyewear, building, architecture, interior design, sculpture and many more.
Spletna stran proizvajalca: https://www.scmgroup.com/en_GB/cms.