Schröder Group

Schroder Group je s konstrukcijo in proizvodnjo prvovrstnih zapogibnikov in škarij za razrez pločevine na tržišču že več kot 60 let. Na podlagi njihove izkušenosti in znanja ponujajo primerne rešitve za prav vsako proizvodno težavo.

Njihova ponudba sega od preprostih in prenosnih ročnih krivilnih strojev za obrtnike do CNC-vodenih tehnološko naprednih sistemov namenjenih industrijski proizvodnji. Ponujajo rešitve kriljenja, rezanja, okroglenja in zapogibanja. Njihove rešitve združujejo najvišji nivo kakovosti ter najvišjo stopnjo učinkovitosti in zanesljivosti.
For over 60 years, Hans Schröder Maschinenbau has concentrated on its primary aim: the design and production of the very best machines for bending and cutting sheet metal. With experience gained from three generations of work in the field of mechanical engineering – and the day-to-day partnership-based co-operation with our customers – we offer fitting solutions to nearly any production problem. Our portfolio ranges from the simple and transportable manual folding machine for the individual craftsman to the fully-automated processing centre for industrial operations. All of our solutions set themselves apart by combining the highest level of quality with the highest rate of efficiency.

Our strength lies in our in-house design and engineering capacity, as well as in our high degree of vertical range of manufacture. Starting with conveniently-equipped basic models, our machines can be extended for optimum results. Whether you require sector-standardised adaptations or custom solutions – with our numerous equipment variations, we can fulfil almost any of our customers’ requests.

Solidity and reliability are the basic values behind our corporate management style. We are equally committed to tradition and innovation. Our employees – along with their experience and skills – are our capital.

Not only our continuous and healthy rate of growth is a testament to this premise – the low turnover rate and the strong relationship to our hometown are an expression of our commitment to our values. Partnership is the foundation of our mutual co-operation within the company – and in our dealings with customers and suppliers.

Spletna stran proizvajalca:

Motorske škarje

Ročne škarje

Motorski zapogibniki

Ročni zapogibniki


Naš partner že od začetka

71 +

let izkušenj

250 +

zadovoljnih uporabnikov

55 +

prodanih strojev