
SAFANDARLEY je v svetu zapogibanja znan kot pionir v izdelavi inovativnih servo-električnih zapogibnikov. Že leta 1980 so izdelali in patentirali prvi stroj z »sevo-hidravlično« tehnologijo, leta 1995 so predstavili prvi sevo-električni zapogibnik SMK. Popolnoma servo-električne zapogibnike E-Brake so pričeli izdelovati pred več kot 10 leti. Danes je v ponudbi že tretja generacija teh strojev, ki jih odlikuje visoka produktivnost, učinkovitosti in natančnost.

Poleg servo-električnih izdelujejo tudi hidravlične zapogibnike večjih tonaž in dolžin.

Poznani so tudi po izredno natančnih hibridnih škarjah za razrez pločevine.
SafanDarley has 2 production plants, a head office in Lochem and a branch in Eijsden. The company employs approximately 200 members of staff.

Flexible manufacturing of sheet-metal working machines
Innovation also plays an important role in our own SafanDarley press brake production process. We use the most sophisticated equipment and systems in a streamlined process with strict quality control. In doing so we apply the principles of ‘lean manufacturing’ to produce as flexibly as possible with minimum wastage. This way we combine the best possible quality/price ratio with socially responsible entrepreneurship.
Quality, innovation, reliability and sustainability are the core values based on which we have created an expanding and loyal global customer base. Consequently, we do rank among the top 3 manufacturers of sheet metal working machines in the world for the top market sector.

Our employees have unrivalled knowledge and expertise in the fields of bending, cutting, and handling sheet metal, as well as, all aspects of bending cell automation and a full spectrum of customer specific solutions.
Spletna stran proizvajalca:

Servo-električni zapogibniki

Hibridne škarje

Hidravlični zapogibniki

Hidravlične škarje

Razrez katod plemenitih kovin

Servo-električni zapogibnik z robotom


Naš partner že od začetka

40 +

let izkušenj

250 +

zadovoljnih uporabnikov

8 +

prodanih strojev