Sartore F.lli so ustanovili pred 30 leti kot proizvodnjo kovinskih delov. Razvoj trga je narekoval vedno boljše izdelke. Da bi zadostili tej potrebi in hkrati pomagali svojim strankam, so pričeli s proizvodnjo CNC vodenih ekscentričnih stiskalnic, pod blagovno znamko PRESSIX.
Danes ponujajo zelo širok razpon ekscentričnih stiskalnic C oblike in stebrnih stiskalnic . Vsi njihovi stroji imajo CE certifikat, ki zagotavlja kvaliteto in varnost.
Njihovi stroji so mednarodno prepoznavni. V prihodnost, pa kot sami trdijo, stopajo z optimizmom in zavezo nadaljevanja tehnoloških raziskovanj in izboljšav njihovih strojev.
Born as a fabrication workshop and later specialised also in the CNC machining. The combination of these two characteristics, supported by a specialised technical department, equipped with the latest 3D design tools, is a guarantee of quality for the manufacture of our main product: the eccentric presses, sold worldwide as PRESSIX®.
All our machines are CE certified by the French APAVE technical inspection organization, leader in its field, that is able to ensure total quality and safety. One of our strengths is the flexibility in the design of specific solutions and customised versions, based on the different requirements of our customers. Our products are already internationally recognised and we are looking to the future and to new markets with optimism and innovative ideas, improving our technological research and being alongside our customers with a meticulous after-sales service.
Actually we have a wide range of Gap frame presses with force ranging from 25 to 250 ton and Straight side eccentric presses with one or two connecting rods, with fixed stroke, adjustable stroke or Link Drive, single or double gear reduction systems and force ranging from 125 to 1000 ton.
Our product line is also completed by our hydraulic straightening presses with force of 400 and 600 ton.
The collaboration with our customers for special projects and complete lines is everyday’s standard and the completeness of the company, from the design to the final assembly, makes SAPRE COSTRUZIONI a reliable partner in every field.
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