Omera je še eno izmed uspešnih italijanskih podjetij v strojegradni industriji z dolgo tradicijo saj obstajajo že več kot 50 let. Ponuja nam širok program strojev: hidravlične in mehanske stiskalnice, avtomatske linije, hidravlične prebijalne enote in hidravlične preoblikovane stroje za rotacijsko obdelavo polizdelkov.
Prav z zadnjimi se je Omera uveljavila tudi na našem trgu. Poleg tega v ponudbi predstavljamo tudi hidravične stiskalnice.
This was the time of reconstruction in Italy, which left plenty of time for creativity and a get-it-done attitude. That year, five young people sharing the same idea decided to embark on a professional adventure to create a new company – OMERA – an acronym standing for Officina Meccanica E Riparazione Autocarri (Mechanical Workshop And Lorry Repairs). Their initial business activity was actually repairing and selling on the market vehicles left over from the Second World War.
OMERA embraced an operating philosophy aimed at the energy efficiency of the production site and of the system produced, through:
- An energy autonomy achieved thanks to its photovoltaic system
- The enviroment preservation through the clean energy availament
- The production of machines with energy saving packages
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