Podjetje Imet že več kot 40 let izdeluje žage za razrez profilov in polnega materiala. Z leti je podjetje vložilo svoje vire v razvoj izdelkov, ki ustrezajo potrebam kupcev in so v skladu z najstrožjimi varnostnimi standardi.
Njihov proizvodni program vključuje tračne in krožne žage za razrez jeklenih profilov in polnega materiala ter krožne žage za razrez aluminijastih profilov in polnega materiala.
Since 1968 we build bandsaws, circular saws and sawing machines . Over the years we have invested our resources to develop products to meet the increasingly complex needs of our clients, in compliance with the highest standards of safety and environment. IMET is part of a group with more than 200 employees which includes: CEA SPA of Lecco, a manufacturer of welding machines, LAMETEC SRL of Cisano Bergamasco operating in sheet metal processing.
Spletna stran proizvajalca: http://www.imetsaws.com/.