DENER MAKINA je turški proizvajalec strojev za obdelavo pločevine, proizvajajo CNC hidravlične zapogibnike, NC in CNC hidravlične škarje za razrez pločevine, stroje za razrez s plazmo, motorske krivilne stroje in izsekovalnike.
Visoko kakovost in kvalitetno izdelave strojev potrjujejo z standardi ISO 9001:2008, CE certifikati in nenazadnje s uspešnim partnerstom z ameriški podjetjem MITSUBISHI za katerega izdelujejo hidravlične zapogibnike.
V naši ponudbi vam ponujamo njihove hidravlične zapogibnike nove generacije in NC hidravlične škarje. Po želji pa vam ponudimo tudi katerega od ostalih storjev iz njihove ponudbe.
Dener Makina was established in 1974 in Kayseri Turkey. Our company has become one of the most important manufacturers in the metal forming sector worldwide and operates in the industrial area of Incesu-Kayseri, in facilities of 1.3 million m².
Since its foundation, Dener Makina adopted the principle of producing with high quality and the latest technology and continues its service with the ISO 9001 Quality System, producing machines with CE Certification.
Our company mainly produces Laser Fiber Cutting Machines, Servo-Electric, Hydraulic and Hybrid Press Brake, Shears and Plasma Cutting Machines. We are leading manufacturers in Turkey with expert staff in the field.
With the confidence of more than 45 years of experience in the machine manufacturing sector, we export our machines worldwide in perfect harmony to achieve customers satisfaction and continually contribute to the national economy.
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