
Podjetje CBC je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1966, od 80-ih let dalje izdeluje ročne in elektricne stroje za krivljenje cevi z radiem 2D/3D.
CBC ponuja različne stroje za vse ki se ukvarjate z obdelavo cevi. Ponudba podjetja se razširja tudi na druga področja med njimi so stroji za varjenje PVC cevi, rezanja kovin, itd.

Founded in 1966, CBC was born as an artisan company manufacturing zootechnical tools. After few years it started with success the production of items for the hydraulic and mechanical field: here are the first threading machines mod. 114, 392, and 394. Starting from 80’s CBC began the pipe benders production from manual models for copper (P22/A and OB85/S) up to the most recent and sophisticated 3-phases pipe bending machine with digital programmation mod. UNI70/C, for bending all pipes type, with possibility of bending with or without mandrel system. In a short time it started the expansion which brought the company to the actual industrial dimensions. Specialised more and more in the planning and design, thanks to an efficient and qualified technical department and to the use of the most modern technologies for the fulfilment of its products, CBC is actually able to supply machines and tools for the satisfaction of anyone working with pipes. The production extends to the other system such as welding of PVC pipes, metal cutting, pressfittings, meeting the favour and exigencies of operators of different fields: hydraulic, nautical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, industry ans planting. Nowadays CBC exports 50% of its sales all over the word, through a widespread network of reseller and distributors. The reasons of this success are to be found in the great experience, the quality and after-sales service that CBC always offers to its customers and which have made of CBC a referent of guarantee and reliability on the market.

Spletna stran proizvajalca: http://www.cbc.it.

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